Africa Institute of Chartered Accountants and Management Consultants (AICAMC) has a code of ethics that all members are expected to adhere to. Here are some of the key principles of the AICAMC's code of ethics:

  1. Professional competence: Members are expected to maintain the highest level of professional competence and continuously update their knowledge and skills.
  2. Integrity: Members must maintain the integrity and dignity of the profession, and act with honesty and objectivity in all their professional activities.
  3. Confidentiality: Members must maintain confidentiality in relation to all information obtained in the course of their professional work, unless authorized or required by law to disclose it.
  4. Objectivity: Members must maintain an objective and independent viewpoint in all their professional activities and must not allow bias, conflict of interest, or undue influence to affect their judgments.
  5. Professional behavior: Members must behave in a professional manner at all times and must not engage in any activity that would bring the profession into disrepute.
  6. Respect: Members must treat all clients, colleagues, and stakeholders with respect and courtesy, regardless of differences in opinions or backgrounds.
  7. Compliance with laws and regulations: Members must comply with all laws and regulations that relate to their professional activities.
  8. The AICAMC believes that adherence to these principles is essential for the maintenance of a high standard of professionalism in the accounting and management consulting industry in Africa.